This study examines the effect of the Russian- Ukraine war on refugeeism. Specifically, the study examines the causes of the Russian- Ukraine war. The study also investigates the impact of the Russian- Ukraine war on the influx of refugee to other European countries. Lastly, the study finds out the challenges the refugees of the Russian -Ukrainian war will face in the quest to get shelter and protect their lives. The study adopted the historical analysis. The findings revealed that conflicts and violence, instability, and insecurity have led to mass migrations of people looking for a better and decent life. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) reports that the global refugee population has doubled since 2012, and has stood at 25.9 million at the end of2018, reaching a new record (UNHCR, 2019). The study thereby recommends that the international community needs to address urgently the issue of access to internally displaced and war-affected civilians in countries where the government either has ceased to function effectively or intentionally obstructs aid efforts. An international agency should be designated to provide both protection and assistance to internally displaced populations in the same way that the UNHCR has a mandate to protect and assist refugees.
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